Impressum gemäß § 6 Teledienstgesetz (TDG)
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Megger Group Limited Archcliffe Road Dover Kent CT17 9EN
T +44 (0) 1304 502100
F +44 (0) 1304 502141
E [email protected]
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Use of material on The Web Site
The information, artwork, text, video, audio, or pictures contained on The Web Site (collectively, "Materials") are protected by International copyright laws. You may only access and use the Materials for purposes connected with specifying, purchasing or using Megger products and services. You may not, under any circumstances, except as provided below, modify, reproduce, record, publish, publicly exhibit, distribute or use the Materials for any other purpose without Megger's express written consent. You should not attempt to "pass-off" any of Megger's content as your own work.
You may print the Materials for purposes connected with specifying, purchasing or using Megger products and services only, and you must include any copyright notice originally included with the Materials in all copies.
Any computer software downloadable or otherwise available from The Web Site is licensed subject to the terms of the applicable license agreement.
The Materials have been compiled by Megger from a variety of sources, and are subject to change without notice.
Sites linked from our web site
The sites linked from or to The Megger Web Site are not under Megger's control, and Megger does not assume any responsibility or liability for any communications or materials available at such linked sites. Megger does not intend links on The Web Site to be referrals or endorsements of the linked entities; they are provided for convenience only.
Disclaimer of warranty
The services, information or data made available on The Web Site (collectively, "Information") are provided "AS IS", without warranties of any kind. Megger expressly disclaims any representations and warranties, including without limitation, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. Megger shall have absolutely no liability in connection with the services including without limitation, any liability for damage to your computer hardware, data, information, materials and business resulting from the Information or the lack of Information available on The Web Site. Megger shall have no liability for:
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Megger makes no warranty, representation or guaranty as to the content, sequence, accuracy, timeliness or completeness of the Information or that the Information may be relied upon for any reason. Megger makes no warranty, representation or guarantee that the Information will be uninterrupted or error free or that any defects can be corrected.
Limitation of liability
Under no circumstances shall Megger be liable for any losses or damages whatsoever, whether in contract, tort or otherwise, from the use of, or reliance on, the Information, or from the use of the Internet generally.
General Statements for the Megger UK Website
The European Directive 2002/96/EC (as amended) on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) came into force in February 2003. The purpose of this directive is minimise the environmental impact of WEEE and to encourage its separate collection, subsequent treatment, reuse, recovery, recycling and environmentally sound disposal.
Electrical and electronic equipment should never be disposed with general waste collections but must be separately collected for their proper treatment and recovery. The crossed out wheeled bin placed on Megger products is a reminder to dispose of the product correctly at the end of its life.
Users of Megger products within the UK may dispose of them at the end of their useful life by contacting B2B Compliance at or by telephone on 01691 676124.
Megger is registered in the UK as a Producer of Electrical and Electronic Equipment. The Registration No is WEE/HE0146QT
Users of Megger products in other parts of the EU should contact their local distributor.
The European Directive 2002/95/EC (as amended) on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (RoHS) came into force in February 2003. The purpose of this directive is to restrict the use of lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, polybrominated biphenyls and polybrominated diphenyl ethers, thereby contributing to the protection of human health and the environment.
The products produced by Megger are classified as Category 9, Monitoring and Control Products, and as such are not included within the scope of the RoHS Directive. Nevertheless, Megger is continually striving to exclude the restricted substances from its products whilst not compromising safety and reliability.
The European Directive 2006/66/EC on batteries and accumulators and waste batteries and accumulators came into force in September 2006. It seeks to improve the environmental performance of batteries and accumulators and of the activities of all economic operators involved in the life cycle of batteries and accumulators, e.g. producers, distributors and end-users and, in particular, those operators directly involved in the treatment and recycling of waste batteries and accumulators.
Megger is registered in the UK as a producer of batteries.
The Registration number is BPRN00142
Specific Statements for the Product User Guide
The crossed out wheeled bin placed on Megger products is a reminder not to dispose of the product at the end of its life with general waste.
Megger is registered in the UK as a Producer of Electrical and Electronic Equipment. The Registration No is WEE/HE0146QT
The crossed out wheeled bin placed on the batteries is a reminder not to dispose of them with general waste at the end of their life.
This product contains the following batteries...
They are located...
They can be safely removed by...
Spent alkaline batteries are classified as Portable Batteries and should be disposed of in the UK in accordance with Local Authority requirements
Spent rechargeable batteries are classified as Industrial Batteries. For disposal in the UK contact Megger Ltd
For disposal of batteries in other parts of the EU contact your local distributor.
Megger is registered in the UK as a producer of batteries.
The Registration number is BPRN00142
Copyright and trademark notices
Copyright (c) Megger Group Limited. and/or its licensors, 2014, all rights reserved.
AVO, Biddle, BITE, DLRO, Ducter, Evershed and Vignoles, Foster, Megger, Metrosonics, Multi-AMP, States and the Megger logotype are the trademarks or registered trademarks of Megger Group Limited. Before using any Megger logotype or trademark, please review Megger's Trademark Usage Policy.
Copyright infringement notification procedure
Refer issues relating to claims for possible copyright infringement to
Megger Group Limited Archcliffe Road Dover Kent CT17 9EN
T +44 (0) 1304 502100
F +44 (0) 1304 502141
E [email protected]
A notification of claimed infringement related to any of the Megger Properties must be a written communication addressed as set forth above, and must include substantially all of the following:
A physical or electronic signature of the owner (or person authorized to act on behalf of the owner) of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed;
Specific identification of the copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed, or if multiple copyrighted works are covered by a single notification, a list of each copyrighted work claimed to have been infringed;
Information related to the work(s) reasonably sufficient for Megger to promptly locate the work (e.g. title of work, location within the Megger Properties, etc.);
Information reasonably sufficient to permit Megger to directly contact the complaining party, such as a complete name and address, telephone number, and an email address;
A statement that the complaining party has a good faith belief that use of the work(s) in the manner complained of is not authorized by the copyright owner, its agent, or the law;
A statement requesting that Megger take a specific act with respect to the alleged infringement (e.g., removal, access restricted or disabled); and
A statement that the information in the notification is accurate, and under penalty of perjury, that the complaining party is authorized to act on behalf of the owner of an exclusive right that is allegedly infringed.
If you have any questions or any queries with regard to this legal notice please contact Megger by e-mail at [email protected].
Megger Group Limited, Registered in England and Wales Number 2582519, Registered office Archcliffe Road, Dover, Kent CT17 9EN