Asset performance management
Gain insights from Electrical Asset Data
Are you looking to understand the current and future condition of your assets? Effective asset performance management can help you make informed decisions, reduce risks, and improve efficiency.
Transforming asset management together
At Megger, we’re passionate about providing top-tier electrical test and measurement solutions. Our partnership with IPS-ENERGY allows us to offer advanced Asset Performance Management (APM) software, giving you valuable insights and better control over your assets. Additionally, we’re building a formidable presence in monitoring solutions, further solidifying our role in supporting smarter and more efficient grid management. This collaboration represents a key step in Megger’s commitment to comprehensive asset management. With IPS’s advanced analytics, you can maximize asset performance, reduce costs, and boost efficiency.

Manage risks
Reducing costs and unplanned downtime is crucial, and IPS’s advanced risk management tools enable you to predict and prevent asset-related incidents effectively. Achieve a balance between operational performance and asset life-cycle costs, prioritize future investments, and ensure continuous monitoring of critical assets to safeguard them from emerging threats.
Predict asset failure
IPS tracks an unlimited number of assets, providing early warnings of potential failures. This approach reduces the need for unnecessary inspections and maintenance, helping you avoid high costs and the time-consuming process of manual asset performance monitoring.
Asset lifecycle management
Maximize your return on investment across the entire lifecycle of your assets. With IPS®APM, you gain a deeper understanding of each asset's lifecycle, empowering you to make informed decisions, boost efficiency, and significantly reduce maintenance costs.
Enterprise asset management
IPS provides a robust and reliable system for managing highly complex systems for power generation and utility systems. IPS EAM is a core solution that empowers organisations to efficiently maintain, control, and analyse their physical assets and infrastructure throughout all phases of the asset lifescycle.
Inventory management
Efficient and accurate inventory management is foundational for any asset-intensive operation. IPS®Inventory Management provides a proactive, automated solution that ensures your asset inventory is always up-to-date, accessible, and accurate.
Master analytical library
IPS offers the world's largest specialized analytics library for electrical power systems, continuously updated and enhanced to meet your evolving needs.
Achieving excellence with advanced analytics
Our powerful APM solution is driven by analytics and integrated into business workflows. IPS®SmartGridDI, included at no extra cost as part of IPS®APM, ensures comprehensive data collection and monitoring across your enterprise, supporting optimized maintenance and asset planning through predictive analytics.
Outage management system
IPS has developed CIM Based Outage Management System using advanced technologies, which offers the possibility to AUTOMAP CIM Network Connectivity mode Asset Management Data, specifically tailored for transmission organisations.
Asset investment planning
Asset Investment Plann (AIP) solutions is a key component of the extensive IPS portfolio. It offers powerful capabilities and enhanced intelligence to assist in the planning and managing of asset investments, optimising the benefits, costs, and risks for high-value assets.