■ CAT IV 600 V current measurement to 1000 A AC
■ 1 mA/1 A sensitivity with rated burden of 1 Ω
■ Large jaws for cables up to 52 mm
■ Overvoltage protection of the output terminals
■ Suitable for leakage currents
The current probe is designed for measurements of AC currents up to 1000 A with a 1000:1 step-down ratio. The probe offers excellent accuracy (0.3% error at full range) and small phase shift (0.7° at full range) so it can be used for metering of power, energy and power quality applications. Such high performance is achieved because the magnetic cores are made from high-permeability FeNi alloy. The rated terminating resistance (burden) of 1 Ω must be provided by the instrument connecting to MCC1010 and MVC1010. The output terminals are protected with a voltage limiting circuit ensuring a safe-to-touch voltage under all rated conditions.
MCC1010 and MVC1010 are rated to CATIV 600 V, according the international standard IEC 61010.