Partial Discharge Testing - Switchgear (AIS/GIS/GIL)
Partial discharge (PD) measurements are essential for validating the insulation system's integrity during the final stages of production or commissioning of gas insulated switchgear (GIS) and lines (GIL). Conversely, many service-aged GIS units have surpassed their originally projected lifespans. For these aging systems, on-line PD measurements using acoustic and UHF sensors are critical for maintaining operational reliability and extending their service life.
External ring antennas, window sensors, or embedded sensors allow you to monitor and perform survey type measurements of PD activity in the UHF range and acoustic measurements offer excellent sensitivity with so-called ‘bouncing’ particles.

Megger's range of instruments covers the entire needs of partial discharge testing on gas-insulated substation equipment, from production testing and commissioning to maintenance and monitoring.
The ICMcompact is the most popular device used in test benches of switchgear manufacturers. The ICMsystem, the AIAcompact, and the ATTanalyzer are chosen for onsite inspection and maintenance work, while the GISmonitor is used for permanent online monitoring in substations.