FREJA and SMRT Digital Twin high fidelity simulator High fidelity software simulator for use with the FREJA and SMRT relay testers Explore
MetryView smart grid sensor management and analytics software Megger’s MetryView software provides an accurate on-line visualisation of grid health and future trends Explore
MS3010 wireless IPv6 gateway/router Megger’s MS3010 is a wireless gateway/router that provides secure radio communications over large geographical areas Explore
MS5200 smart grid medium voltage sensor Megger’s MS5200 is a medium voltage sensor with 0.5 % current and voltage measurement accuracy Explore
SPI4000 smart primary injection test system Primary injection test set for protective relay equipment and circuit breakers Explore
MS5000 Metrysense5000 Smart Grid medium voltage sensors for overhead line networks (4 to140 kV) Explore
Overhead Line Testing System Adaptor for the safe operation of Teleflex reflectometers on overhead line systems Explore
TRAX Multifunction transformer and substation test system Portable and compact system packed with features that maximise asset condition awareness Explore