HVcontrol - HV Test Control Unit
Safety features
Interlock surveillance with support for automatic door locks and required automatic earthing to prevent human hazards.
Test set surveillance
Monitoring of primary and secondary currents and voltages together with adjustable limits, support for temperature sensor as well as dU/dt detection to prevent damages of the test sample as well as the test transformer.
Supports fully automated TanDelta and PD testing
With the optional HVpilot software using the HVcontrol with an additional ICMcompact and / or TDAcompact

About the product
The HVcontrol unit combines all standard functions required to manually operate a high voltage transformer. It includes a safety contact loop, the measurement of primary and secondary current, as well as of the primary voltage. User-settable limits for the primary and secondary current trip the main circuit breaker. The safety loop, as well as the emergency stop is hard-wired and equipped with forced contacts.
Due to its flexible design, the HVcontrol can be used on any high voltage test set. Especially, in case of the modernization of old test sets, the HVcontrol offers a multitude of improvements if compared with conventional relay-based controls.
The unit comes with rigid solid-state piezo push buttons. Each of these control buttons has an illuminated ring to indicate the state of the function controlled by this specific button. This allows an easy and intuitive operation of the HVcontrol.
The HVcontrol comes in a 19"-subrack (3HU). This makes it an easy replacement of older controls having the same size. On its rear panel, the HVcontrol offers conveniently detachable screw terminals for the different controls and optional instruments.
To receive software updates or user guides, please contact [email protected] or call +49 241 74927. Please have your device serial number ready or state your reason for interest.
FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions
Before shipment, every HVcontrol is tested and calibrated in our DAkkS-accredited in-house accredited in-house calibration laboratory to ensure that the instrument works as intended within the tolerances of international standards and in accordance with relevant regulations. The calibration process complies with the DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 standard and is documented with the calibration certificate.
Each HVcontrol comes with customized inputs for primary current, primary voltage and secondary current. Besides this the interlock signal in mandatory. The also required automated earthing unit can be retro-fitted – other feedback signals are optional. For a full list please refer to the manual. All outgoing contacts for closing relays, driving up and down are potential free contacts.
The STEP option of the HVcontrol together with the HVpilot software allows to specify detailed voltage curves. Within the HVpilot software these voltage curves can be used to create individual test profiles for PD and/or TanDelta testing including result interpretation using an ICMcompact, resp.a TDAcompact.
Further reading and webinars
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The power fuse might be blown. Unplug the unit and check the power supply fuse. This fuse is located on the rear panel of the HVcontrol above the on/off switch.
A communications error with the serial connection to the HVcontrol might have occurred. Within the HVpilot software, check that the serial com port selected in the menu ‘Options >Interface settings’ is the COM port to which the HVcontrol is actually connected. Within the Windows Device Manager, check if the USB driver was properly installed. Try rebooting both the HVcontrol and the PC.
The HVcontrol does not allow to continue in case the safety & security are not properly configured to the according test station. Using the black buttons on the display it’s possible to check with the status Error window which settings prevent to continue.
When the measured currents / voltages are reaching the limits set the HVcontrol does not allow to continue increasing with manual control and stops the test in case of a step test to protect regulating and step-up transformer. Please check limits set and current consumption of the test circuit.
User guides and documents
FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions
To ensure a reliable high voltage measurement, annual calibration of the instrument is recommended.
All safety relevant settings are protected by a four-digit passcode.