TRAX Multifunction transformer and substation test system Portable and compact system packed with features that maximise asset condition awareness Explore
TTRU3 True three-phase transformer turns ratio tester Megger's TTRU3 guarantees a transformer turns ratio accuracy of ±0.05 % Explore
FRAX series sweep frequency response analysers Detect potential mechanical and electrical problems in power transformers - FRAX099, FRAX101, FRAX150 Explore
IDAX series of insulation diagnostic analysers Measure moisture content, tan delta/power factor and oil conductivity using DFR in the field - IDAX300/300S, IDAX322, IDAX350 Explore
DELTA4000 series 12 kV power factor/tan delta testers The DELTA4000 series tests electrical insulation in power apparatus Explore
FOS4 Fiber Optic Transmission Stand-alone fiber optical measurement equipment that allows to easily perform electrically isolated measurements with a variety of setting options. Explore
ICMmonitor on-line partial discharge monitor The ICMmonitor protects your medium and high voltage assets by monitoring partial discharge activities in the insulation Explore