RTMS - Relay test and management software
Facilitates steamlined and efficient relay protection testing
Facilitates steamlined and efficient relay protection testing through automation and relay modules.
Prove compliance through comprehensive automated reporting
With the ability to add manual test results.
Quick start
By using one of the over 400 relay templates with relay settings import.
Data management
Overview an insight through the ability to consolidate the test data into a cloud server for data management.
Intuitive user interface
Intuitive user interface, for automated and manual testing, which is identical from a laptop, STVI, or the onboard screen.

About the product
- Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 3/Vista/7/8/10 compatible software program
- RTMS is available in Standard and Enhanced levels
- Megger GOOSE Configurator (MGC)
- Sampled Values Analyser (SVA)
- Fault calculator
- Pickup and timing test
The RTMS Relay Test Management Software, is the culmination of decades of automatic relay testing experience. The RTMS is a Microsoft Windows compatible software program designed to manage all aspects of protective relay testing using the Megger SMRT and FREJA series of units. The same software also runs on the Smart Touch View Interface (STVI), the handheld controller for the SMRT series.
Every relay test unit comes with RTMS software for installing on a PC. It does not require a security dongle or license to operate, and can be loaded on as many customer owned PCs as required. The RTMS comes with two different levels: Standard and Enhanced.
The Standard level includes the manual test screen, semi-automatic and automatic tests for simple and advanced ramping, pickup and timing of overcurrent, undervoltage and overvoltage relays, directional overcurrent, sequence tests for reclosing and transient earth/ground fault simulation, impedance (both generic and relay specific from various manufacturers), and three-phase current differential.
It also comes with the ability to perform special test applications with features such as the fault calculator, harmonics generator, symmetrical components, simplified power swing, and much more. Not only that, but it also includes a relay template library with over 400 specific relays from 40 different relay manufacturers.
The Enhanced level is hardware-enabled when connected to a test set that has the RTMS Enhanced feature enabled (see the SMRT Ordering Information for details). The Enhanced level includes tests for synchroniser, under/over, and df/dt (ROCOF), frequency relay pickup and timing tests, IEEE/IEC COMTRADE Transient Waveform playback, enhanced power swing/out-of-step simulator, SSI file converter and playback, and the IEC 61850 software Megger GOOSE Configurator (MGC), and Sampled Values Analyzer (SVA).
Product documents
Software and firmware updates
FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions
RTMS includes a library of test plans called templates, which is available free of charge. The library can be downloaded and managed using a component of RTMS called “RTMS template manager.” Connect your PC to the internet, open “RTMS template manager”, and all the templates available in the cloud are shown. RTMS template manager will indicate which templates are already available on your PC. You can then download the ones that are not on your PC or update existing ones for which a newer version is available. The RTMS template manager will also indicate whether the templates are compatible with your software version. An upgrade of your local software version may be required to get some newer templates to work for you.
Relay settings can be read using RTMS from a variety of settings file formats or directly from relays. It is possible to read settings directly from SEL relays using the relay’s serial interface and a serial cable. It is also possible to read CSV files from Multilin relays and XRIO files from other manufacturers, like Schneider Electric.
RTMS is an intuitive yet powerful software which is simple enough for the new user yet comprehensive enough for the most experienced user with the ability to do manual and automated testing.
The most important test functions are included with the included Standard version of RTMS. RTMS Standard includes tools such as ramping, advanced ramping, overcurrent, distance, sequencer, and differential, and the ability to create your own test plans. RTMS Enhanced is a chargeable option and includes specialised features like Frequency Relay test feature, Synchronizer, COMTRADE playback, SS1 File Converter and a Power Swing simulator.
Yes! Megger is very active in this field. The company released its first products for IEC 61850 applications as early as 2009 and has been active in the development of the IEC 61850 standard since the mid-2000s.Today, Megger offers the FREJA and SMRT relay test sets, the hardware required to access the IEC 61850 network. Furthermore, the software Megger GOOSE Configurator (MGC) and Sampled Values Analyser (SVA) complete the IEC 61850 test system and is included in RTMS Standard. With the MGC and SVA embedded in the SMRT and FREJA display models, the need to connect a computer to the IEC 61850 network is eliminated, enhancing cyber security.
Powerful reporting capabilities which give the user clearer visibility for relay management and provides a customizable relay test report which can be saved for internal use and compliance reporting or used to execute repeated testing. In addition to showing the location of the relays in the system, the user can also look at the historical test records of all relays. This includes relay settings and recorded test results.
PowerDB is a powerful software package providing data collection and management for all your acceptance and maintenance activities.Test data can be imported from Megger Protective Relay test sets. Built-in test forms support consistency in procedures and reports. Data and test results are synchronized to your company’s central database. Result and summary reports can be easily generated. The PowerDB Compliance Scheduler allows you to focus on your priorities by providing a quick visual overview to easily track compliance status and maintain necessary maintenance schedules.
Relay settings can be read using RTMS from a variety of settings file formats or directly from relays. It is possible to read settings directly from SEL relays using the relay’s serial interface and a serial cable. It is also possible to read CSV files from GE Multilin relays and XRIO files from other manufacturers, like Schneider Electric.
RTMS includes a library of test plans called templates, which is available free of charge. The library can be downloaded and managed using a component of RTMS called “RTMS template manager.” Connect your PC to the internet, open “RTMS template manager”, and all the templates available in the cloud are shown. RTMS template manager will indicate which templates are already available on your PC. You can then download the ones that are not on your PC or update existing ones for which a newer version is available.The RTMS template manager will also indicate whether the templates are compatible with your software version. An upgrade of your local software version may be required to get some newer templates to work for you.
RTMS is an intuitive yet powerful software which is simple enough for the new user yet comprehensive enough for the most experienced user with the ability to do manual and automated testing.
Powerful reporting capabilities which give the user clearer visibility for relay management and provides a customizable relay test report which can be saved for internal use and compliance reporting or used to execute repeated testing. In addition to showing the location of the relays in the system, the user can also look at the historical test records of all relays. This includes relay settings and recorded test results.
PowerDB is a powerful software package providing data collection and management for all your acceptance and maintenance activities.Test data can be imported from Megger Protective Relay test sets. Built-in test forms support consistency in procedures and reports. Data and test results are synchronized to your company’s central database. Result and summary reports can be easily generated. The PowerDB Compliance Scheduler allows you to focus on your priorities by providing a quick visual overview to easily track compliance status and maintain necessary maintenance schedules.
The most important test functions are included with the included Standard version of RTMS. RTMS Standard includes tools such as ramping, advanced ramping, overcurrent, distance, sequencer, and differential, and the ability to create your own test plans. RTMS Enhanced is a chargeable option and includes specialised features like Frequency Relay test feature, Synchronizer, COMTRADE playback, SS1 File Converter and a Power Swing simulator.
Yes! Megger is very active in this field. The company released its first products for IEC 61850 applications as early as 2009 and has been active in the development of the IEC 61850 standard since the mid-2000s.Today, Megger offers the FREJA and SMRT relay test sets, the hardware required to access the IEC 61850 network. Furthermore, the software Megger GOOSE Configurator (MGC) and Sampled Values Analyser (SVA) complete the IEC 61850 test system and is included in RTMS Standard. With the MGC and SVA embedded in the SMRT and FREJA display models, the need to connect a computer to the IEC 61850 network is eliminated, enhancing cyber security.