5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV insulation resistance testers
PI Predictor TM boosts testing productivity
PI predictor, which is unique to Megger instruments, typically reduces PI testing time by 50% or more, delivering a big boost to productivity.
Dependable results in noisy environments
Can be used in environments up to 1000 kV, with innovative software filtering and 8 mA of noise rejection (model dependent).
Comprehensive test modes
Conduct comprehensive diagnostics with multiple test modes including IR, DAR, PI, DD, SV and ramp tests, measuring up to 35 TΩ (model dependent).
High performance guard terminal
Use the guard terminal without impairing measurement accuracy to get reliable results even when there’s high surface leakage.
Safety rated up to CAT IV
Ensure operator safety with CAT IV 600 V or 1000 V ratings (model dependent).

About the product
Megger's 5 kV, 10 kV, and 15 kV DC insulation testers set the industry standard for insulation resistance testing. Designed for diagnostic testing and maintenance of high-voltage electrical equipment, these rugged, portable instruments offer unparalleled performance, safety and reliability for OEMs, industrial companies, electrical contractors and utility providers.
Whether conducting routine maintenance or advanced diagnostics in the most demanding applications, Megger's insulation testers deliver the precision and dependability required for confident decision-making and effective asset management.
Essential range: reliable performance for routine testing
There is one instrument in the Essential range, the MIT515. This is a 5 kV product that provides all of the most commonly used tests: standard insulation resistance measurement, dielectric absorption (DAR) and polarisation index (PI). Essential instruments have no onboard data storage and a maximum burn/charge current of 3 mA. They are ideal for simple go/no-go testing but are not limited to this.
Advanced range: versatile solution for comprehensive diagnostics
The Advanced range has three instruments: MIT525 (5 kV), MIT1025 (10 kV) and MIT1525 (15 kV). These differ only in their maximum test voltage. As well as the tests provided by the Essential instrument, these offer dielectric discharge (DD), step voltage (SV), ramp voltage and, when used in conjunction with PowerDB software, polarisation/depolarisation (PDC) tests. They have extensive onboard data storage and can transfer test results to PowerDB and CertSuite Asset via a wired USB connection. Maximum burn/charge current is 3 mA. Advanced instruments are the right choice for users who need more versatility than is provided by Essential products, but not the special performance enhancements of the Expert range.
Expert range: comprehensive insights for demanding environments
Featuring instruments designed specifically for users with the most demanding requirements, the Expert range includes the S1-568 (5 kV), S1-1068 (10 kV) and the (S1-1568). These instruments differ only in their maximum test voltage. Expert instruments provide all the facilities of the Advanced products but incorporate enhanced software filtering and noise rejection of 8 mA to give reliable results even in extreme electrical environments up to 1,000 kV. Expert instruments have a maximum charge/burn current of 6 mA and support Bluetooth® wireless connectivity.
Timesaving PI PredictorTM
All Megger 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV insulation resistance testers incorporate Megger’s unique and patented PI PredictorTM technology. With this, a PI test that used to take at least ten minutes can now typically be performed in five minutes or even less. This delivers significant time savings, especially when PI tests need to be performed separately on three phases.
High performance guard terminals
Many insulation resistance testers have guard terminals to minimise the effects of surface leakage, but poorly implemented guard terminals can reduce measurement accuracy. The guard terminals in all Megger 5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV instruments are free of this problem, ensuring accurate results even with high surface leakage.
Which insulation tester is right for me?
First, decide on the type of testing you need to perform. If it’s routine go/no-go testing and you don’t need data storage, an Essential instrument will likely be a cost-effective choice. Consider an Advanced instrument for more versatility and/or internal data storage. And if working in extremely electrically noisy environments or need high charge/burn currents, an Expert instrument will be right. Having decided on Essential, Advanced or Expert, choose the instrument that will deliver the maximum test voltage needed.
FAQ / Frequently Asked Questions
As the insulation value increases, the test current decreases and becomes harder to measure with the same level of accuracy.
The current rating is important, as an underpowered instrument will take a very long time to charge high capacitive test objects, such as long cables; it may also be unable to maintain the required test voltage when high levels of surface leakage are present. It is, however, necessary to be careful when comparing different instrument current ratings. An instrument with a 3 mA short-circuit capability that incorporates power regulation technology to ensure maximum power transfer into all load types will, for example, almost always be faster and more convenient to use than a 5 mA rated instrument that doesn’t use this technology.
The answer, at least in part, is in the question! An insulation resistance tester is designed to be used only on dead circuits, but that’s no guarantee that it won’t ever be accidentally connected to a live circuit. And if it is, an appropriate CAT rating is essential, especially as the environments in which HV insulation testers are most frequently used often have high supply transients. We recommend a CAT IV 600 V rating, and it’s imperative to be sure that this rating applies to all of the instrument’s terminals, including the guard terminal.
The answer to this question depends on the test set you are using. It is certainly challenging for instrument manufacturers to produce test sets that deliver good performance when the guard terminal is in use, not least because the guard terminal diverts a lot of current away from the measuring circuits. It is by no means unknown, for example, to have a surface leakage resistance of the order of 0.5 MΩ in a test sample with an insulation resistance of 100 MΩ. In other words, the guard terminal current is around 200 times greater than the current in the measuring circuit. This high level of guarded current can cause many problems in a poorly designed instrument, including greatly impaired accuracy. If you’ve got such an instrument, there’s not much you can do about it. However, if you’re buying a new instrument, the answer is simple. Insist that the manufacturer gives you meaningful data about measurement accuracy when the guard terminal is in use. The latest Megger units, for example, have a maximum error of 2 % when guarding 0.5 MΩ leakage with a 100 MΩ load.
There are several reasons to select a test set with a high output current. Possibly the most important is that a high output current means that the item under test will be charged more quickly, which means that the test can be completed in a shorter time and also that there’s less risk that the readings will be taken before the test voltage has had time to stabilise properly. And, if you’re using the instrument’s guard terminal, don’t forget that a lot of output current may well be diverted via the surface leakage of the item under test. Unless the instrument has a high output current capability, this could mean that the output voltage will collapse, and the test results will not be valid.
That depends upon the size, complexity, and criticality of your equipment. Even identical units can differ in the required check periods; experience is your best guide. In general, however, working apparatus – such as motors and generators – are more likely to develop insulation weaknesses than wiring, insulators, and the like. A test schedule for working equipment should be established, varying from every 6 to 12 months, depending on the size of the equipment and the severity of the surrounding atmospheric conditions. For wiring and the like, tests once a year are generally sufficient unless the installation conditions are unusually severe.
These facilities are useful in a wide range of applications. For example, when testing a large item such as a power transformer, the instrument can be positioned on top of the asset near its terminals so that the test leads are kept short and operated from a much more convenient – and much safer – location, using the remote control option. Additionally, it’s sometimes necessary to carry out tests in hazardous areas, such as inside an energised substation. In these cases, once it has been connected, you can operate the test set and access your results outside the hazardous area, significantly increasing the operator’s safety. Finally, in production line test applications, it’s often desirable to control the test unit and retrieve the test results automatically. The remote control and remote downloading facilities offer a convenient way of achieving this and providing any safety interlocks that may be needed.
In cases of this type, the source of trouble is almost always induced noise in the measuring circuit. You can reduce noise pick-up on the test leads by keeping them as short as possible and using screened test leads. With screened leads, the screen is connected to the insulation test set guard terminal to divert the noise currents from the measuring circuits. However, if the noise is being picked up by the item under test rather than the test leads, these measures can’t help. In such cases, the only effective solution is to use an insulation test set with high noise immunity and effective filtering. The S1 has noise immunity of 8 mA, which ensures reliable operation in the harshest conditions, such as EHV substations. They also have adjustable long time constant filtering, which allows users to choose between faster operation when noise levels are only moderate, and slower operation but with enhanced noise rejection when working in the most challenging environments.
Further reading and webinars
Unfortunately, lithium-ion batteries eventually wear out and can no longer accommodate a charge. This event is a common and, sooner or later, inevitable issue, but fortunately it is easily corrected. Replacement batteries are available from Megger, and you can quickly change one following the instructions in the User Guide.
Do a visual inspection of the unit, and don’t overlook the lead set. It is understandable to focus on the instrument and take the lead set for granted, but the leads are commonly knocked about from handling more than the instrument. In particular, the strain relief at the end of the lead becomes damaged - its absence is a strong indication that the lead set soon needs to be replaced. Damaged leads tend to affect the most negligible leakage currents first, so the instrument may not be able to indicate measurement into the tera-ohm (TΩ) range. This symptom means that the lead set should be repaired or replaced.
These are control and measurement boards post error codes. These appear on the display as “E” followed by a 1- or 2-digit number. The User Guide gives brief definitions. These are not user-adjustable. They indicate component failures or calibration resets that a Megger repair technician or authorised repair centre must perform.
This symptom indicates that the power supply transformer has broken off the power supply board, usually due to rough handling and/or dropping. The transformer, being relatively heavy, will come loose from its mountings. This breakage interrupts or terminates power to the circuitry, resulting in a ‘dead’ instrument. Contact your local Megger repair technician or authorised repair centre.
Interpreting test results
Insulation resistance readings should be considered relative. They can be quite different for one motor or machine tested three days in a row, yet it does not mean bad insulation. What matters is the trend in readings over a longer period, showing lessening resistance and warning of coming problems. Periodic testing is, therefore, your best approach to preventive maintenance of electrical equipment, using record cards or SW to trend the results over time.
Whether you test monthly, twice a year, or annually depends upon the equipment's type, location, and importance. For example, a small pump motor or a short control cable may be vital to a process in your plant. Experience is the best teacher in setting up the scheduled periods for your equipment.
We recommend making these periodic tests in the same way each time. That is, with the same test connections and test voltage applied for the same length of time. Additionally, we recommend performing tests at about the same temperature or correcting them to the same reference temperature. A record of the relative humidity near the equipment during the test is also helpful in evaluating the reading and trend.
In summary, here are some general observations about how you can interpret periodic insulation resistance tests and what you should do with the result:
Condition | What to do |
Fair to high values and well maintained | No cause for concern |
Fair to high values but showing a constant tendency towards lower values | Locate and remedy the cause and check the downward trend |
Low but well-maintained values | Condition is probably acceptable, but you should investigate the cause of low values |
So low as to be unsafe | Clean, dry out, or otherwise recondition the insulation to acceptable values before placing equipment back in service (test wet equipment after drying out) |
Fair or high values, previously well-maintained but showing a sudden decrease | Make tests at frequent intervals until you locate and remedy the cause of low values; or until the values have become steady at a lower level but safe for operation |
The resistance of insulating materials decreases markedly with an increase in temperature. However, we’ve seen that tests by the time-resistance and step-voltage methods are relatively independent of temperature effects, giving relative values.
To make reliable comparisons between readings, you should correct the measurements to a base temperature, such as 20 °C, or take all your readings at approximately the same temperature.
A good rule of thumb is to halve the resistance for every 10 °C increase in temperature or, for every 10 °C decrease, double the resistance.
Each type of insulating material will have a distinct degree of resistance change with temperature. Factors have been developed, however, to simplify the correction of resistance values. Please refer to the document "Stitch In Time" to find such factors for rotating equipment, transformers, and cables (Section: Effect of Temperature on Insulation Resistance).