Megger Partial Discharge Services
Megger PD Services
Megger offers miscellaneous services in the field of dielectric high voltage insulation tests. Samples can be tested in our HV lab in Aachen or onsite by using different kinds of power supplies. Training on the equipment and advanced analysis of measurement data can be offered on request. Larger groups can be trained at our training center in Aachen as well.
Testing Laboratory
At our high voltage test lab in Aachen we can offer miscellaneous dielectric tests to characterize and to analyze samples of different kinds under applied high voltage. Type tests and routine tests can be performed according to the relevant standards to certify the product quality.
Onsite On and Offline Measurements
Megger engineers are available on on short notice for various kinds of dielectric measurements such as partial discharge, loss factor, or others. Such on-site measurements cover on-line and off-line diagnostics on rotating machines including large motors, partial discharge mapping on cable systems, survey-type measurements on gas-insulated substation equipment, and partial discharge acceptance testing and PD location on large transmission-class power transformers. All required instruments are provided, of course. VLF sources and high voltage sources can be provided as well.
Installation and Commissioning
The installation of partial discharge couplers, sensors, and instruments requires special technical skills and practical experiences in this field. Our service engineers and trained technicians are capable to take care of such jobs themselves or by supervising local staff. We do offer installation and commissioning service worldwide and in close cooperation with our contractor. Installation tools, safety equipment, and instruments for the first base line measurements are provided and a commissioning report is finalizing such service tasks. Please contact us directly in case of any special demand.
Consulting Activities
Megger assists to analyze encountered defects, failure mechanism, and helps to improve the design of insulation systems. Further, support is provided to implement monitoring systems and to integrate embedded partial discharge sensors into GIS, cable accessories, and transformers for instance. Additionally, Megger offers interpretation service for partial discharge pattern acquired by local testing groups. Instruments equipped with modem or VPN connection allow also having Megger dialing in for performing remote measurements and diagnosis.
Calibration Services
Megger operates a calibration laboratory, which has received the accreditation within the German Akkreditierungsstelle DAkkS