Warsaw University of Technology and Megger: A productive partnership

Author: Piotr Chichecki, Energy market specialist
In recent years, Megger in Poland has been collaborating closely with Warsaw University of Technology (WUT), an acknowledged centre of excellence for work in the field of HV power system diagnostics. The principal focus of this productive collaboration is diagnostic systems for transformers and cables.
Megger supports lectures and practical workshop sessions in WUT’s HV laboratory by providing state-of-the-art test equipment on short-term loan. In addition, experienced engineers from Megger share their expertise with WUT’s students by delivering occasional lectures on key topics. These topics include MV and HV cable diagnostics with particular reference to dielectric losses and the latest developments in partial discharge technology.
Megger’s work with WUT is a fruitful source of scientific papers that are subsequently presented at conferences in Poland and around the world. A recent paper, for example, reports on SFRA (sweep frequency response analysis) test measurements carried out on physical model of a 15 / 0.4 kV power transformer.
The paper provides insights into how SFRA measurements can reveal electrical faults such as short-circuited turns and open circuit windings. Mechanical faults like winding deformations and movement, partial winding collapse and core displacement can also be found. To read more click here.
Currently, Megger and WUT are working together on an important project relating to condition assessment of isolators used in 30 kV power distribution networks. This project centres on the use of a novel handheld instrument to detect emissions in the UHF region of the RF spectrum, which are the result of partial discharge activity indicative of developing fault conditions. It is hoped that a paper reporting the results of this project and discussing its practical applications will appear in a future edition of Electrical Tester.
Megger’s cooperation with Warsaw University of Technology is an illustration of the company’s on-going commitment to supporting the education and training of engineers and technicians in the electrical sector, and to collaborating with leading technical institutions as an aid to bringing the best of emerging technology and test techniques to Megger customers around the world.