Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Policy

The Modern Slavery Act 2015 mandates that Megger Group provides a slavery and human trafficking statement to demonstrate and ensure compliance to the Act.
Megger Group is committed to operating all aspects of its supply chain to ethical, environmental, social and safe business best practice. As such Megger requires all vendors supplying the company to operate to the same high standards, noting that vendors shall operate within the rules, laws and regulations applicable to the country of origin. The supply chain code of conduct used and operated by Megger Group has been developed to detail the expectations from all vendors. This is our minimum standard of practice expected, which includes appropriate due diligence to address the Modern Slavery Act 2015, implementing effective systems and controls to prevent and detect modern slavery. All vendors must be capable of demonstrating their procedures for compliance upon request and during vendor audits which are regularly implemented in high risk countries.
Megger reviews its supply chains and operations on a continuous and ongoing basis to check compliance with the policy, ensuring the policy is implemented effectively.
Megger is committed to continuous improvement and includes training in Modern Slavery for key employees. Training actions are a key performance indicator for the Group and reviewed by the Group Board as part of its risk management programme.
This policy is issued and owned by the Megger Group Board. No deviations may be made from it without written Board approval.
Dr Andrew Dodds
March 2023