Relay testing and protection solutions

Streamline your output with a proven partner.

Grid protection systems have a diverse set of requirements. Megger can solve for all of them. 

Our comprehensive line of relay testing and protection solutions simplify even the most complex tests, helping boost efficiency while keeping you compliant.

Assured confidence:

Even our advanced relay test modules remain intuitive enough to empower users at all skill levels to navigate complex tests with confidence and precision.

Scale infinitely:

From small endeavors to expansive challenges, our relay testing solutions are built to scale.

Built for the job at hand:

Designed to excel in real-world applications, our products are the top choice for routine tests, large-scale commissioning projects, IEC 61850 in digital substations, or whatever your unique needs may be. And when those needs change quickly, we have a suitable solution ready for you.

The gold standard:

Our relay test and management software (RTMS) meets the expected standards and job requirements, and exceeds your expectations. With Megger as your trusted partner, you can overcome the most complex of relay protection test challenges.

Additional Resources

Explore real-world applications of our relay and systems testing products through these insightful articles.