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800-723-2861 ext. 3271

Our Dallas facility processes: relay test sets, watthour test sets, CT testers, primary high current testers, motion breaker analyzers, TORKEL test sets, VIDAR test sets and water leak detection

Valley Forge


Our Valley Forge facility repairs and calibrates: Tan Delta test sets (Power Factor), TTRs, MTOs, BITEs, DC dielectrics, DLROs, Insulation testers (including S1 series and MIT series) , DETs, Power Quality, TDRs and cable fault equipment.

Fort Collins (Baker)


Our Fort Collins facility repairs and calibrates the equipment listed below: 

Static testers: ADX, AWA, DX, we have limited spare parts to repair ST and D Series testers. 

Dynamic Testers: EXP3000 and EXP4000 

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Technical Support

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  • All products

    +1 214 330 3519

  • Megger Baker motor testing products 

    +1 970 214 0172 

    [email protected]

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