- Preprogrammed test sequences for reclosers
- Impedance compensation to properly test reclosers with variable impedance characteristics
- Accurate duplication of test results
- Simple operation and precise test results
- Full color, high resolution, TFT LCD touch screen
- OCR software runs under PowerDB software suite
- View, save, and export test reports for printing or importing into PowerDB
- Digitized TCC curves included in the OCR software
- Simplified control software - easy to learn and use
The OCR15D and OCR50D automatic oil circuit recloser test sets are self-contained mobile test sets specifically designed to verify the proper operation of automatic circuit reclosers under simulated overload and fault conditions. This helps to ensure reliable system operation, protection, and coordination. A digital control and instrumentation system ensures simple operation with precise test results.
The OCR15D and OCR50D can test reclosers incorporating either oil or vacuum interrupters and they can perform primary injection (high current) testing of electronically controlled reclosers. Additionally, when providing their variable high current output, they do so with an impedance compensation network to stabilize the output current.
These units include appropriate instrumentation and control circuitry to efficiently, accurately, and safely test virtually all single-phase and three-phase direct-acting reclosers produced by manufacturers such as Cooper Power Systems, Inc., McGraw-Edison (Kyle, Line Material), Westinghouse, General Electric, Kearney, and Lexington Switch and Controls.