FRAX series sweep frequency response analysers Detect potential mechanical and electrical problems in power transformers - FRAX099, FRAX101, FRAX150 Explore
IDAX series of insulation diagnostic analysers Measure moisture content, tan delta/power factor and oil conductivity using DFR in the field - IDAX300/300S, IDAX322, IDAX350 Explore
MRCT relay and current transformer test set The MRCT takes relay and instrument transformer testing technology to the next level Explore
OTS PB and OTS AF series of insulating oil test sets Fully automatic insulating oil dielectric breakdown testers Explore
TORKEL900 series battery discharge test systems Gain a comprehensive insight into battery capacity with discharge testing Explore
TRAX Multifunction transformer and substation test system Portable and compact system packed with features that maximise asset condition awareness Explore
TTRU3 True three-phase transformer turns ratio tester Megger's TTRU3 guarantees a transformer turns ratio accuracy of ±0.05 % Explore