ATTanalyzer Acoustic Breakdown Locator Aids in cost-efficient location and repair of gas-insulated switchgear and transformer defects during comissioning tests Explore
FOS4 Fiber Optic Transmission Stand-alone fiber optical measurement equipment that allows to easily perform electrically isolated measurements with a variety of setting options. Explore
FREJA and SMRT Digital Twin high fidelity simulator High fidelity software simulator for use with the FREJA and SMRT relay testers Explore
ICMmonitor on-line partial discharge monitor The ICMmonitor protects your medium and high voltage assets by monitoring partial discharge activities in the insulation Explore
ICMmonitor Portable - portable partial discharge monitoring system Monitors your asset for a required period without interrupting your daily business Explore
SPI4000 smart primary injection test system Primary injection test set for protective relay equipment and circuit breakers Explore
New SPI500 Smart primary injection test system Enabling accurate and repetitive tests of high current breaking devices through adaptive current injection Explore
TAU3 true three-phase transformer winding analyser Transformer diagnostics in a single instrument Explore
5 kV, 10 kV and 15 kV insulation resistance testers MIT515, MIT525, MIT1025, MIT1525 and S1-568, S1-1068, S1-1568 insulation resistance testers Explore
TTRU1 handheld transformer turns ratiometer Handheld, battery-operated transformer turns ratiometer Explore
BITE5 battery tester series Impedance, or ohmic, tester for lead-acid, NiCD, and lithium-ion batteries Explore
DELTA4000 series 12 kV power factor/tan delta testers The DELTA4000 series tests electrical insulation in power apparatus Explore