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Grid monitoring and instrument transformer test solutions

Improve electrical grid resilience and reliability with on-line monitoring and off-line instrument transformer testing solutions.

Safety, resilience and reliability are critical for electrical grids. That’s where Megger comes in. Utilities operators, distribution system operators (DSOs) and transmission system operators (TSOs) around the world rely on Megger’s extensive industry experience and comprehensive solution offerings.

Whether it’s continuous monitoring of smart grids for real-time analytics and insights, or multifunction instruments for enhanced testing of instrument transformers, we have the right solution to help maintain a reliable electrical grid.


The use of intelligent sensors, installed on overhead and underground cables, to capture power waveforms that in turn are analysed to identify and locate disturbances and locate faults.

The sooner the network operator is aware of an unexpected disturbance, the more quickly faults can be located and rectified. The network operator can also resolve unsafe conditions and identify developing weaknesses before they cause serious damage.

Rapidly locate unsafe overhead line and underground cable failures, as well as Identify areas of a network that are at most risk of failure.

Megger Grid Analytics edge computing sensors, and advanced analytics give greater insight to what is happening on a power line, and where discontinuities or non-desired disturbances are occurring. This enables the operator to more quickly, at less cost, resolve issues.

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